An online forum for theatrical discussion, welcoming multiple diverse viewpoints, and spotlighting productions impacted by COVID-19.
Other Ongoing Initiatives
The Lorraine Hansberry Initiative
The initiative adds to the growing movement to honor women and people of color with physical monuments. And, we will alleviate the financial inequality that discourages women and non-binary playwrights of color from pursuing graduate degrees in their chosen art form.
The Count
In an ongoing study in partnership with The Dramatist Guild, The Count analyses and presents data on who is being produced in the American theater.
The Family Residency at SPACE
As it is part of The Lillys’ mission to bring awareness and solutions to the cognitive and systemic bias that continues to favor male artists, we joined forces with SPACE on Ryder Farm beginning in the Summer of 2015 to create a retreat for playwrights and their children.
Statement on Harassment
In December of 2014, pre #MeToo, we gathered together a group of theater professionals to discuss harassment and abuse in the theatrical community. We then drew up a preliminary Statement of Principle in consultation with attorney Norman Siegel in order to raise awareness and gathered the undersigned. The statement is published below.
Many of our statements have now come in to being, but we continue to push for more accountability towards perpetrators.